Mobilizing resource is very important in financing investment and social programmers, which are essential for economic growth and for eradicating poverty. Mobilization of resources is recognized as the foundation for self – sustaining development. Financing for economic growth and poverty reduction is one of the challenges facing projects and programmers, however, resource mobilization can be managed more innovatively for great effectiveness. In this context, a sound fiscal policy, responsible social spending and a well-functioning and competitive financial system are the crucial elements mobilizing resources. The ability in development with partners to implement their project interventions depends on their access to donor funding. Access to these funds requires submission, of proposals for consideration by the potential donors. Project results should be effectively communicated and shared through good reports.
mobilization concept
Sustainability and its pillars concept
Selecting resource mobilization vehicles
Pooled funding
Regular resource
Thematic funding
Resource mobilization practical
Tools ineffective resource mobilization
Funding proposal research
Challenges, trends and opportunities in resource mobilization
What determines organizational attractiveness to donors?
Donor research and prospecting
How to identify potential donors?
Ways to use donor
Types of funds
Engaging donors
Strategic communication
Setting clear structures of funding and execution
Grant from agencies, foundations and corporations
Individual donors
Special event
Donor relationship and cultivation
Capital and comprehensive campaigns
Accountable fundraising
Professional fundraising
Use credible, cost-effective fundraising methods
Be accountable
Respond quickly to questions and complaints
Publish annual reports
Update paper work
Express gratitude
Lack of patience
Insufficient planning
Poor communication
Poor networking
Lack of appeal /credibility
Lack of long-term planning
Proposal writing in grants mobilization
Understanding donors’ requirements
Proposal formats
Project development and proposal writing
Project background
Needs assessment including target population
Project justification
Project goal and objectives
Project beneficiaries
Critical assumptions
Project strategies
Detailed budget
Cost sharing
Summary budget
Organization profile
Organization capacity
Relevant experience
Funding agency forms
Packaging politicking and refunding
Submission, traditional and online
Tips for final checks
Proposal review criteria
Proposal review process
Grant agreement
Common mistakes during proposal and report writing
Tips for successful proposal writing
Case studies of successful proposals
Develop a proposal for mobilizing resources
Appreciate the role of monitoring and evaluating in resource mobilization
Describe the process and tools used in resource mobilization
Define concepts and importance of resource mobilization for projects/programmers
Articulate the principle and moral ethics in resource mobilization
Understand the principles of project development and proposal writing
Understand different ways of resource mobilization
Organization the different components of a proposal in a logical flow
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