The ability to develop and implement these project interventions depending on the access to donor funding. Access to these funds requires submission of proposal for consideration by the potential donors. Project result should be effectively communicated and shared through good reports. For sustainable and effective implementation of project intervention is essential that organizations have the capacity to design, write and deliver high quality project proposals and reports. This course aims to equip participants with skills in writing and presenting effective and successful proposals.
Resource mobilization principle and practices
Resource mobilization approaches
Proposal and grants application
Business plans
Current funding environment for non-profit organization
Strategic plan and resource mobilization
Resource mobilization strategy
Resource mobilization action plan
Proposal writing in grants mobilization
Understanding donor’s requirements
Proposal format
Project development and proposal writing
Project background
Needs assessment including target population
Project justification
Project goal and objectives
Project beneficiaries
Critical assumptions
Project strategies
Project theory of change
Design of project result using causal pathway
Project activities, outputs and activities matrix
Logical framework
Performance measurement framework
Monitoring plan
Evaluation plan
Risk matrix
Risk response
Project organogram
Project coordination
Partners responsibilities
Gender mainstreaming
Environmental sustainability
Human right
Detailed budget
Cost sharing
Summary budget
Organization profile
Organization capacity
Relevant experience
Funding agency forms
Packaging, politicking and refunding
Submission, traditional and online
Tips for final checks
Proposal review criteria
Proposal review process
Grant agreement
Common mistakes during proposal and report writing
Tips for successful proposal and report writing
Case studies of successful proposal and effective reports
Understand different ways of resource mobilization
Understand the principles of project development and proposal writing
Organize the different components of a proposal in a logical flow
Write an effective proposal according to donor’s requirement and guidelines
Use of M&E framework in project design when developing a proposal.
Write a good quality report tailored to a target audience
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