Asset management, broadly defined, refers to any system that monitors and maintains things of value to an entity or group. It may apply to both tangible assets such as buildings and to intangible concepts such as intellectual property and goodwill. Asset management is a systematic process of deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively. Asset management short courses (Asset Management Training Course) are the ideal way to learn about Asset Management. this training course aims to support this drive to improve management practices by presenting standards, methodologies and guidance how to set up good asset management. The course shows the delegate how the international standards on Asset Management, the Publicly Available Specification PAS 55 and the ISO 55000, can be used to implement the best practices in order to realize higher performance at lower costs within compliance. The course finalizes with an assessment of the current state of your Asset Management processes and results.
Asset & maintenance management as a business process
Asset management process model – The Asset Management System
Strategy framework
Line of sight
Asset management policy, asset strategy, asset management strategy
Asset management objectives (goal setting)
Asset management plan
Feedback & improvement
Asset Management roles
Sourcing & outsourcing
Stakeholder management
BSI-PAS 55:2008 - a proven standard for Asset Management
ISO 550000 – the new international standard on Asset Management
Demand forecasting
Level of service and performance measures
Defining the right key performance indicators
Capacity or utilization monitoring
Condition assessment and monitoring
Information & configuration management
Vendor management & past performance
Asset procurement
Risk management
Risk Based Maintenance concepts (RBM)
Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
Objectives of inventory planning and stock control
Reasons to hold inventory
Inventory information system considerations
Inventory push vs. pull systems
Identifying inventory costs
Customer service in inventory management
Types of inventory
he inventory ABC classification ranking model
Uses of the ABC ranking
Materials specifications and cataloguing
Asset Management assessment
Asset Management teams
Changing the behavior of people
Implementation of Asset Management – case study
The inventory order cycle
Dependent versus independent demand
Factors affecting demand
Factors impacting demand forecast accuracy
Demand patterns
Time series forecasting methods:
Seasonal demand
Moving average
Exponential smoothing
Measuring the accuracy of the forecast
Elements of inventory holding and ordering costs
The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model
Dealing with quantity discounts
Objectives of safety stocks
Setting safety stocks
Determining the Reorder Point (ROP).
Provide opportunities to discuss and learn the practical application of these best practices, through case studies and exercises
Provide insight in the current state of Asset Management best practices within the delegates company
Understand what Asset Management is and how it can contribute to asset effectiveness and efficiency
Be able to participate in the implementation and application of the underlying Asset Management methodologies and technologies
Have insight in the current status of the Best Practices and Performance of the Asset Management process within their organization by assessing the current Asset Management processes and results of the company
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