Compliance with Tax legislation has become a top agenda in determination of an Organization’s Risk Profile. An understanding of Tax Planning and Management measures and an awareness of the thin line between Tax Planning and Management & Tax Crimes is important if personnel involved in Tax Management is to be effective in minimizing an organization’s risk yet be effective at managing tax
Principles of Corporate Tax
Tax Incentives
Allowable / disallowable Expenses
Allowable / disallowable Incomes
Compensating Tax
Income Tax Bill 2018
Thin Capitalization
Transfer Pricing
Capital Gains Tax
Services subject to WH Tax
Withholding Tax / With Holding VAT
Double tax agreements
Various Tax Rates
Overview of VAT ACT 2013·
Key Business Issues
Basis of PAYE Taxation
Problematic areas of Payroll Tax
Employer / Employee Responsibilities
Tax Exempt Incomes
Exempt Organizations
Tax Free Remunerations
Special Cases
Correction of Errors in Returns
Allowable deductions from income
Multiple PAYE Sources
Home Ownership Savings Scheme
Mortgage interest
How are expatriates taxed?
Expatriates working for you but outside Rwanda
Are there any special considerations?
What is the tax exposure to the local employer?
The work permits
How do you tax plan without exposing your organization?
When do you become a Tax criminal?
Planning measures on Corporate, Payroll, WHT & VAT
Taxation of retirement benefit RRA
Taxation of contributions and withdrawals
Tax planning for your retirement benefit
Tax payer’s rights & obligations
What are your rights and responsibilities as a taxpayer?
What does the Taxpayers’ Charter say?
Understanding their organization’s compliance requirements, have a risk profile.
Effectively manage tax and mitigate tax exposures with acquiring basis requisite skills
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