This course aims to build the confidence and skills of program staff to use financial management tools to implement project activities in a cost effective, controlled and accountable way.
Four Building Blocks of Financial Management
Who does what in financial management?
Coding structures
The financial planning process
Practical budgeting
The challenge of multiple donor-funded projects
Accounting essentials – where do the figures come from?
Which reports do we need in program management?
Overview of the annual financial statements
Using budget comparison reports for program management
Internal control in the field – what goes wrong?
Key internal control policies and procedures
The role of audit
Create a fully-costed budget using the activity-based budgeting technique
Build a phased project budget from a project activity plan
Use a funding grid to manage multiple-donor funded projects
Use budget monitoring reports to review and manage project progress
Apply key policies and procedures needed to safeguard project cash and equipment
Describe the four Building Blocks of Financial Management and the role they play in achieving good practice in financial management in program implementation
Describe the key organizing tools of a financial system, including the Chart of Accounts and Cost Centers.
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