This training course will empower you in obtaining an in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of theoretical as well as practical aspects of Business Finance Management. The course is designed to strengthen participants' abilities to assess why Business Finance Management (BFM) is important; and how it supports macroeconomic stability, economic growth, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Over five parts, the course modules cover all stages of the budget cycle, and discuss key concepts from budget preparation to government accountability in budget execution, and reform implementation. why you should attend the Masterclass in Business Finance Management and Administration? The nature and size of expenditure in governments are changing rapidly. As a professional working in the public sector, you must be aware of the principles of Business Finance Management because your role serves as a cornerstone in Business finance.
Business Finance Management Framework
Objectives of Public Financial Management
Fiscal Policy
Budget Cycle
Budgeting and budgeting techniques
Revenue management
Project management
Annual Budget
Medium-Term Budget
Legislative Approval
Legal Aspects of Budget Approval
Budget execution strategy
Budget execution cycle
Cash planning
Debt management
Financial Management Information Systems
Accounting aspects – Accrual and Cash basis IPSAS
Internal Control Policies
Internal Audit
Supreme Audit Institutions
International Auditing Standards
Fiscal Councils
Legislature Oversight
Public Participation
Budget Feedback
Comparing Actuals Vs Budgets
Fiscal Transparency
Updating the Budget Strategy
Evaluate the policies implemented and take corrective actions
Understand the risks involved in Budget Execution
Understand the Budget Preparation Strategy
Implement the Internal Control Policies in Budget Execution
Understand the Business Finance cycle
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